Tuesday 16 October 2012

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was born into a big joint  family of Mahadev Sahay in the Siwan district of Bihar ,near Chhpara.His father ,Mahadev Sahay was a scholar of Persian and Sanskrit language while his mother Kamleshwari Devi was a religious lady.
When Rajendra Prasad was five years old ,his parents put him under a Maulavi learn Persian language follewed by Hindi and arithmetic.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru ,also known as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,was one o the formost leaders of Indian freedom struggle . He was the favourite disciple of Mahatma Gandhi and later on went on to become the first Prime Minister of India . Jawahar Lal Nehru is widely regarded as the archited of moderm India .He was very fond of childern abd childern used to affectionately call him Chacha Nehru.

Jawahar Lal Nehru was born on November 14,1889. His father Motilal Nehru was a famous Allaahabad based barrister. Jawaharlal Nehru's mother's name was Swaroop Rani . Jawaharlal Nehru wasthe only son of Motilal Nehru . Motilal nEhru has three daughter apart from Jawaharlal Nehru . Nehru were Saraswat Brahmin of Kashmiri lineage.

Jawaharlal Neharu received education in some of the finest school and universities of the world. He did his schooling from Harrow and complete his Law degree from Trinity college . Cambridge . The seven years he spent in England widene his horizons and he acquired a rational and skeptical outlook and sampled Fabian socialism and Irish nationalism , which added to his own patriotic dedication.

Jawaharlal Nehru returned to India in 1912 and stsrted legal practice . He married Kamala Nehru in 1916. Jawahar Lal Neh ru joined Home Rule League in1917. His real initiation into politics came two years later when he came in contact with Mahatma in 1919. At that time Mahatma Gandhi had launched a capmpaign against Rowlat Act . Heharu was instantly attacted to Gandhi's commitment for active but peaceful . civil disobedience . Gandhi himself saw promise and India;s future in the young Jawaharlal Nehru.

In 1947,he became first Prime Mini ster of Independent India . He effectively coped with the formidable challenges of those times . the disorders and mass exodus of minorities across the new border with Pakistan , the integrationof 500- odd princely ststes into the Indian Union , the framing of a ne constitution , and the establishment of the political and administrative infrastructure for a parliamentary democracy .

Jawaharlal Nehru played a key role in building modern India . He set up a Planning Commission , encouraged development of science and technology , and launched three successive five -year plans . His policies led to a sizable growth in agricultural and industrial production . Nehru also played a major role in dweveloping independent India's foregin policy . He called for liquidation of colonialism in Asia and Africa and along with Tito and Nasser, was one of the chief architects  of the nonaligned movement . He payed a constructive  mediatory role in bringing the Korean War to an end and in resolving other international crises , such as those over the Suez Canal and the Congo , offering India ;s service for conciliations and international policing . He contributed behind the senese toward the solution of several other explosive issues , such as those of West Berlin , austria and Laos.
But Jawahar Lal Nehru couldn'timprove India 's relations with Pakistan and China . The Kashmir issue proced a stumbling block in reaching an accord with Pakistan , and the border disputer prevented a resolution with China .
The Chinese invasionin 1962, which Nehru failed to anticipate , came as a grat blow to him and probably hastened his death . Jawaharlal Nehru died of a heart attack on May 27, 1964.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand  Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar ,India.he became one of the most respected spiritual and political leaders of the 1900,s.
Gandhi Ji helped free the Indian People from British rule through nonviolent resistance ,and is honored by Indians as the father of the Indian Nation.

The Indian people called Gandhiji married Kasturba ,a girl the same age . Their parents arranged the marriage .The Gandhi ,s had four childern . Gandhi studied law in Lomndon and returned to Indian in 1891 to practice. In 1893 he took on a one -year contract to do legal work in South Africa.
At the time the British controlled South Africa . When he atempted to claim his rights as a British subject he was abused , and soon saw that all indianssuffered similar treatment . Gandhi stayed in South Africa for 21 years working to secure rights for Indian people .

Using the principal of Satyagraha he led the campaign for Indian independence from British . Gandhi was arested many times by the Britsh for his activities in South Africa and India . He believed it was honorable to go to jail for a just cause . Altogether he spent seven years in prison for his political activities .

More than once Gandhi used fasting to impress upon others the need to be nonviolent . India was granted indenpendence in 1947.

 More than once Gandhi used fasting to impress upon others the need to be nonviolent . India was granted independence in 1947, and partitioned into India and Pakistan . Rioting between Hindus and Muslim followe . Gandhi had been an advocate for a united India when Hindus and Muslim lived together in peace.
On Jnauary 13, 1948 , at the age of 78, he began a fast with the purpose of stopping the bloodshed . After 5 days the opposing leaders pledge to  stop the fighting and Gandhi broke his fast .Twelve days later a Hindu fanatic, NathuramGodse who opposed his programe of tolerance for all creeds and religion assassinated him.